Summer hiking tips for small children.

Hiking in summer can be a great adventure for the whole family, but if you have small children it can also be challenging. Hiking with young children requires special preparation and attention to ensure their safety and enjoyment. Here are some summer hiking tips with young children to ensure your next family hike is a success.

Choose the right path

When hiking with young children, it is important to choose a trail that is appropriate for their age and ability. Look for trails that aren’t too long or steep and offer lots of interesting sights along the way. Consider the distance of the hike, elevation gain, and terrain before deciding on a trail. Also, check the weather forecast before heading out and avoid hiking in extreme heat or thunderstorms.

Summer hiking tips for small children.

Dress for success

Proper clothing for a hike is crucial, especially if you have young children. Make sure everyone wears comfortable, breathable clothing and sturdy, closed-toe shoes with good traction. Dress in layers so you can adapt to changing temperatures. Don’t forget to bring hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect everyone from the sun’s harmful rays.

Pack the essentials

Pack a backpack with essentials like plenty of water, snacks, and a first aid kit. Bring extra clothing for the children in case of a spill or an accident. Don’t forget to bring insect repellent, a map of the area, and a whistle in case of an emergency. For younger children, bring a baby carrier or stroller if the trail is stroller-friendly.

Keep them happy

Hiking with young children can be challenging as they get bored or tired easily. Bring some games, songs and stories to keep them entertained. Take frequent breaks and encourage your child to explore the area. Bring a small camera or binoculars to make it more interesting for them. Let them show the way and arouse their curiosity.

safety first

When hiking with small children, safety always comes first. Teach them the basics of hiking etiquette, such as staying on the trail, not littering, and respecting wildlife. Keep them close and supervise them at all times. Be aware of potential hazards along the way, such as: B. loose stones, steep slopes or poisonous plants.

Summer hiking tips for small children.

Leave no trace

When hiking with young children, it is important to teach them the importance of not leaving a trace. Bring a trash bag and encourage them to pick up the trash they see. Teach them to respect nature and not disturb any wildlife they encounter. Leave the trail better than you found it so others can enjoy it too.

Take breaks often

Hiking with young children can be tiring. So take frequent breaks to rest and recharge your batteries. Find a shady spot or bench to take a break. Bring snacks like fruit, trail mix, or energy bars to keep everyone’s energy levels up. Take your time enjoying the scenery and let the kids explore the area.

Start early

Hiking in the early morning or late afternoon can help avoid the heat of the day, which can be especially important when hiking with young children. Plan to start your trek early in the morning to avoid the midday heat and ensure you have enough time to rest and explore.

Bring plenty of water

Dehydration can be a real problem when hiking with young children. Be sure to bring enough water for everyone in your group. Pack at least 1-2 liters of water per person, depending on the length and difficulty of the trail. Consider bringing bottled water with built-in filters or water purification tablets in case you run out of water or need to refill water from a natural water source.

Snacks are key

It is also important to bring enough snacks with you when hiking with small children. Choose snacks that you can easily eat on the go, such as trail mix, granola bars or fruit. You might also want to pack some sandwiches or other heavier snacks for longer hikes. Make sure you pack enough snacks for everyone in your group, sincehungry children can quickly become crabby and make them difficult to get along with.

Watch out for insects

Summer is the peak season for insects. So be sure to bring insect repellent and consider wearing light, long-sleeved shirts and pants to protect against bug bites. You may also want to bring a bug net or hat with a bug mesh to keep bugs out. Be sure to keep an eye out for ticks and other pests during breaks or at the end of the hike. Let the kids lead


Encouraging your children to lead the way on the hike will allow them to become more engaged and engaged in the experience. If possible, let them set the pace and choose the route. This can also help them develop a sense of independence and confidence in their abilities.

Summer hiking tips for small children.

Be prepared for emergencies

Despite all efforts, accidents can happen when hiking with small children. Be sure to bring a well-stocked first-aid kit with essentials like bandages, antiseptic wipes, and painkillers. Consider taking a first aid or wilderness safety course before embarking on the hike to ensure you are prepared for any emergency situations.

Respect the wildlife

Teaching children to respect wildlife is an important part of hiking with young children. Encourage them to observe animals from afar and avoid approaching or disturbing them. Teach them to respect natural habitats and leave things as they found them. Be sure to obey any signs or regulations regarding wildlife in the area.

Take it slow

When hiking with young children, it is important to take your time and enjoy the journey. Don’t be afraid to slow down or even turn back if someone is struggling or uncomfortable. Remember that the goal is to have a fun and enjoyable experience, not to achieve a specific goal or travel a specific distance.


Hiking with young children can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it does require some extra planning and preparation. By following these additional summer hiking tips with young children, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable outdoor adventure.