DIY ginger face masks and their benefits

Ginger is high in antioxidants that help fight aging, reduce inflammation, and stop oxidative damage (1). To make the most of these benefits, you can try making some ginger face masks in the comfort of your own home.


Ginger is known for its flavor and medicinal benefits. It has always been a staple in many kitchens. It is quickly becoming a popular remedy for treating skin problems like aging, acne, and regular breakouts. Check out this list of the best DIY ginger face masks that can improve your skin’s health and appearance. You will be surprised how easy these masks are to make and use.

DIY ginger face masks and their benefits

1. Reduce Inflammation

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can treat edema (2). When applied topically as ginger oil or in face masks, it helps keep skin free from puffiness and protects it from microbes.

2. Can lighten pigmentation

Studies show that gingerol, an active ingredient in ginger, has anti-melanogenic properties that help lighten blemishes, brighten skin, and protect it from UV rays (3).

3. Can prevent acne and breakouts

Ginger has shown promising results in treating facial acne (4). However, more studies are needed to determine its effectiveness.

4. May delay the first signs of aging

In rat studies, a combination of ginger extract and turmeric was found to increase collagen production (5). Another study showed that ginger-derived essential oil can minimize wrinkles and prevent photoaging in mice (6). Therefore, using ginger face masks can help delay the onset of signs of aging.


DIY ginger face masks to try at home

Note: Always do a patch test before applying ginger to your skin.

DIY ginger face masks and their benefits

1. Face mask with ginger, honey, lemon and milk

This face mask combines the goodness of ginger, honey, lemon and milk. Lemon has an astringent effect on the skin and can help lighten age spots and acne scars. Low-fat milk has been shown to have a beneficial effect on skin by aiding in wound healing (7).


you will need


1 teaspoon ginger powder

1 teaspoon of organic honey

1 teaspoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon skim milk



Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a thick paste.

Apply this mixture on your face and let it dry for 20 minutes.

Wash your face with warm water and pat dry.

Then apply a moisturizer.

2. Face mask with ginger, honey and turmeric

Honey has emollient and moisturizing properties that keep your skin hydrated and supple. It also inhibits wrinkling and keeps your skin looking young (8). Turmeric can help lighten skin and reduce hyperpigmentation (9).


you will need


2 tablespoons of honey

2 tablespoons turmeric

4 tablespoons ginger powder



Mix all ingredients into a smooth paste.

Apply the paste to your face and wait 15 minutes.

Rinse off, pat your skin dry and apply moisturizer.

  1. Face mask with ginger and olive oil

This mask is easy to prepare and helps to eliminate dark spots and blemishes. Olive oil helps in moisturizing the skin.


you will need


2-3 teaspoons freshly grated ginger

2-3 teaspoons olive oil



Mix the ingredients into a smooth paste.

Apply the paste to your face with your fingers.

Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.

Wash with cold water.

DIY ginger face masks and their benefits

4. Ginger clay mask against blackheads

Blackheads are caused by clogged pores and can lead to acne if not dealt with soon. Clay removes impurities and excess sebum from pores, chamomile soothes skin, and green tea helps reduce sebum, blackheads, and acne (10), (11), (12).


you will need


½ tablespoon of white clay

½ tablespoon green tea

1 tablespoon chamomile decoction

½ tablespoon ginger root



Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth paste.

Apply this paste on your face and wait 30-35 minutes.

Wash it off with cold water.

Do this 2-3 times a week.

5. Face mask with ginger and oats

This face mask contains orange peel, orange juice, oats and ginger. Oranges help prevent UV-related skin damage, reduce photoaging, and slow collagen breakdown (12). Oats can help gently exfoliate the skin and help relieve itching, rashes, and dry, flaky skin (13).


you will need


3/4 cup oatmeal

4 tablespoons of honey

2 tablespoons crushed ginger

Zest of half an orange

3 tablespoons fresh orange juice

1-2 tablespoons of water



Mix all other ingredients into a creamy, semi-thick paste.

Apply this paste to your face with your fingers.

Let it rest for at least 5-10 minutes.

Wash your face with cold water.

Despite the benefits of ginger for the skin, some side effects can occur. You will learn what they are in the next section.

Are There Any Side Effects Of A Ginger Face Mask?

Ginger has a strong, pungent aroma that can cause skin irritation. Therefore, ginger should never be applied to the skin in its raw form, as it could cause tingling or burning. It is recommended not to use ginger face masks on sensitive skin types to avoid rashes or redness.

In summary, DIY ginger face masks can provide numerous skin benefits, including reducing inflammation, lightening pigmentation, preventing acne and breakouts, and delaying the first signs of aging. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of ginger make it a valuable part of skin care.


However, care should be taken when using ginger on the skin. Always do a patch test before applying it to your face, especially if you have sensitive skin, as ginger’s strong aroma can cause skin irritation. Diluting ginger with other ingredients like honey, lemon, or olive oil can help minimize the risk of irritation.


Keep in mind that while ginger face masks can be a great addition to your skincare routine, they should not replace medical treatment for serious skin conditions or acne. If you have any concerns about using ginger on your skin or experience any side effects, consult a dermatologist for personalized advice and recommendations.